Saturday 31 July 2010

The Punisher

Fans may be familiar with the Marvel comic’s series of the same name, a series which is yet to appear on any of the Capcom VS games despite Frank Castle’s potential for many infuriating projectile attacks. When playing this with friends, the second player has the unfortunate fate of controlling pre black Nick Fury. While filmgoers may have an image of the S.H.I.E.L.D captain as the smooth talking mother who enjoys acronyms of defensive items, the 90’s saw Mr. Nicholas as a middle aged heavy smoker sporting a memorable beige top and matching boots….very autumn! The punisher is definitely the one of the better beat em ups owing to the surprisingly violent nature of the game, it also features a number of drug references that went over my head as a child and came swooping back to scar my mind years later…a mental boomerang if you will. To see the potential damage such a concept can cause, just look at the Australians.

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