Monday 9 August 2010

Alien Vs Predator

Despite being responsible for many of the events within the film series, the human race seems very keen to omit themselves from every instance involving aliens and/or predators. Why is it that the first film wasn’t titled Alien vs. Humans considering that’s all it was, its only salvation is the bizarre “Batman VS Predator” comic which saw Alfred the butler save the day by shooting a Predator in the face with an antique elephant gun. Like Cadillac’s and Dinosaurs there is a choice of four characters two human and two predators, staunch xenophobes might enjoy not picking the Predator foreigners because they go around killing our jobs and being employed in our women. Speaking of women, there is a woman character…that’s that taboo deftly handled. AVP (Andrew Viper Beam) gets more hectic than the previous two titles, by the final stage you have to wonder how anyone completed this in the arcades. The simple answer is they didn’t, they went home after spending hard earned savings to face a family grown apart by an easily solved beat em’ up addiction. The only consolation is that some bozo had left 20p in the machine so the first credit only cost 30p…but from then on it was all downhill. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that Alien Vs Predator is quite good.

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