Tuesday 3 August 2010

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

Cadillacs and dinosaurs had the sad misfortune of being one of those long forgotten cartoons of the 90’s, along with Swat Cats, Jem and anything that featured the phrase “...with attitude!” Understandably, simply combining Jurassic era biology with one specific brand of car seems unlikely to create lasting appeal. Proterozoic Ford Escort had tried and failed long before, but Capcom was unwilling to listen to the rumours and slander spread about the poorly received cartoon series, offering to scrap major elements of the story in exchange for a 4 player fighting romp. To Capcoms credit this worked very nicely, there is no place for story in any game involving fighting. If Street Fighter has taught us anything it’s that a set of vague reasons for kicking the shit out of ones fellow man/woman are ample justification. Save the bollocks for fan fiction writers, they’ll most likely make the Cadillac gay anyway. Cadillac’s and dinosaurs offers the largest selection of food stuffs off the ground than any other of Capcoms titles, a veritable pavement smorgasbord ranging from a single stick of gum…with all its major chewing/healing properties to a bowel punishing lobster left in the baking sun. Although a minor addition, the ability to dash helps speed up the game considerably, unless you play as the requisite hulking oaf character Mustafa, the son Popeye only ever speaks of with contempt…he never graduated from spinach school. Perhaps I would enjoy this game more if only the black man had said "Lets ditch this dino-joint" at least once

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